European domainers have an advantage

Elliot Silver is currently on vacation in France, and while he might be in a different timezone, he has an advantage with regards to domaining. Most of Europe is contained between 5 to 7 hours ahead of the US East Coast, or 8 to 10 hours ahead of the West Coast. In my experience, this is an … [Read more...]

Domainer vanity and a few words about web development

Earlier today, Mike Berkens posted about a UDRP case that is about to claim the 'developed' web site, Because it's pointless to wade through trolling comments in order to relay the type of information that such a post deserves, I'm posting it all here. What does one do with a … [Read more...]

Oh, to be a cybersquatter!

Fridays are the best days of the week to stretch and ponder about recent events and arguments. They are also probably the worst days to take things seriously; with the weekend ahead of us, domain investors can afford to squeeze some humor into serious matters about domains. :) The 'cybersquatter' … [Read more...]

Whom do you evaluate domains for?

Unlike gold, oil and precious metals, domain names don't have a unit price associated with them. And yet, domain names are commodities that can be traded freely, can be sold and bought. When it comes down to tagging a price to a domain name, my evaluation method as a buyer and as the seller … [Read more...]

Don’t wait for a Pending Comment at Sedo

When an offer comes through at Sedo with a comment that wasn't populated from the drop down menu, that comment is held for review by Sedo staff. There are two ways to deal with such comments, and my response depends on the offer itself. In the past, I explained why listing my domains with a … [Read more...]