Backorderzone beat SnapNames and Pool - I 'hate' these guys. Actually, I don't hate them, but I'm amazed that they beat both SnapNames and Pool for a domain I had backordered. While SnapNames sent me the usual "apology" for trying and failing to capture the domain, not a pip was heard from Pool. Upon checking … [Read more...]

BuyDomains and UDRPs: Not really a surprise

BuyDomains was served with a third UDRP in a week, according to Mike Berkens at TheDomains. I'm not in the least surprised and I'll explain why. It's a game of numbers. It's pure statistics at work: the more domains one owns - assuming that they are spread naturally and are not intentional, … [Read more...]

Validate your domain registrations with LinkedIn

I use LinkedIn - the network of professionals - to keep in touch with people I worked with in the past, present and those that I would like to work with in the future. I also use it for a different purpose altogether: to gauge or 'validate' domain registrations. Often, I peruse domain lists of … [Read more...]

Pump up the domain jam

Domain investor, Abdu Tarabichi, made an interesting post at his blog, regarding bidders that inflate prices at domain auctions. According to information relayed to Abdu, certain participants of those auctions engage in the 'noble sport' of bidding up auctions they cannot otherwise afford, just … [Read more...]

Don’t hide the features in obscure places

As a developer of computer games, software applications and web sites, I often wonder why certain functions of software are hidden. I learned to provide access to features of my creations by making things clean, clear and crisp. While many profess to be web designers, most lack the skills for … [Read more...]