This is the 3rd post in a row about "meta" domains and that's a good indication about the increased interest in the keyword, and Metaverse domains in general. A couple of weeks after my last story about "meta" domains that I registered or acquired years ago, I completed one more domain sale. The … [Read more...] LLN and LNN domain availability lists
Two decades ago I was busy hand-registering domains from droplists provided by DomainsBot, an excellent daily email service. The rush for daily drops was competitive among those targeting dictionary words but the market was wide open for seemingly "random" combinations of letter/letter/number and … [Read more...]
Domain inquiries: “I have cheaper alternatives”
Would you walk into a car dealership with a cocky attitude? Probably not. In most cases, when someone wants to buy a car they take a look at the sticker price and state their intentions to the dealer. Negotiations are good to have, especially if you want to get low APR financing, or to take … [Read more...]
Greece: The first 200 years are the toughest ones
Greece celebrated its bicentennial today, commemorating 200 years since the war of independence began in 1821. As a Greek, I'm proud of my heritage and despite the physical distance I'm well aware of what March 25, 1821 signifies for all Greeks around the world. A nation that was placed under … [Read more...]
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