Domain Development: an interactive discussion with Elliot Silver

I can't say I'm a fan of either the Golden Globe or the Oscar awards. But when domain investor and developer Elliot Silver won the 2010 TRAFFIC award in the Best Domain News blog category, I was right on the money with my vote. Through his blog, Elliot churns out content daily that contains … [Read more...]

Domainers & Australian floods – Please donate!

As a followup to a post made on, I'm asking for all domainers to donate to the relief fund for the flood victims of Australia: The catastrophic floods in Australia exceed in area 1 million square kilometers – or about 4 times the affected area of hurricane Katrina. It’s an area so … [Read more...]

Australian flood disaster brings online scams

The recent devastating floods in Australia have caused millions of dollars in destructive damages and even worse: loss of human life. It's probably not easy for most "Westerners" to comprehend how an advanced nation like Australia might be in need of financial aid for its victims, who have lost … [Read more...]

I love you, Parked, but I just have to go

Let me start by stating the guys are stellar and that their platform, including the customizable templates are superb. It's just that their advertising channels suck right now and I'm not willing to stick it out until the situation improves. It all started with the notorious rating … [Read more...]

Fly Fabulous: the Business class Registrar

I've been using as my primary domain registrar for two years now; it was a choice that was made despite having had a long term commitment to eNom. As I've reviewed the features of domainer-grade registrars in the past and presented the extensive level of security … [Read more...]