Domain names have been stolen since the early days of the commercial Internet. The most known case involves the hijacking of, a domain that was "milked" for its traffic, before it was returned via a court order to its registrant. There are thousands of domain names that have been stolen … [Read more...]
Domain inquiries : Coming back to buy the domain
Engaging with a potential buyer doesn't always result in a sale, but domain names that get renewed continue to work their magic in that person's mind. In other words, inquiries that end due to a difference in pricing, often get a second chance at a later time, sometimes at a price considerably … [Read more...]
Getting the right offer : A waiting game worth playing
Earlier this week I closed on yet another domain sale on the Uniregistry market platform. The agreement was reached last week, but a small glitch caused a short delay with the buyer's funds at Uniregistry. This single word .ORG domain was registered in 1999 and I acquired it a decade ago on … [Read more...]
The Uniregistry registrar is alive and kicking
One of the reasons I moved my domain names to Uniregistry several years ago, is their knowledgeable support department. Uniregistry is now a GoDaddy company, and great days are looming ahead through this well-planned acquisition. Uniregistry remains an elite destination of choice for domain … [Read more...]
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