American Rescue Plan : Selling the .com was easy, getting paid was not

The American Rescue Plan is a huge financial stimulus package aimed at transitioning the US through and after the pandemic. Valued at just under $2 trillion dollars, the plan's name was first announced by government officials on social media on the evening of January 14, 2021. Moments after that … [Read more...]

Uniregistry : Payouts are faster, cheaper with Tipalti

Having just completed my first domain sale using Tipalti, the new payout processor for Uniregistry, I'm about to share my experience. When negotiations take a while to complete, the last thing one needs is some additional delay with the delivery of the final "check." Fortunately, that wasn't … [Read more...]

GoDaddy broke one great Uniregistry feature I liked

One of the many great features I liked at Uniregistry was its support system. The acquisition of Uniregistry by GoDaddy has broken that part, and it's a big loss in my opinion. For starters, the GoDaddy ticketing system is by email only. It creates an email chain that includes unnecessary … [Read more...]

GoDaddy is on the right path

It took a lot of effort for GoDaddy to provide a token report of sales, earlier today. Personally, I lost track of time; was it really in 2015 such numbers were last shared? Although the format isn't perfect - very small sample of sales, four month delayed release of the monthly report - you can … [Read more...]

GoDaddy : Openly ignoring the BIN price and using the client as an excuse

In May I wrote about how GoDaddy continues to send unsolicited offers for domains that are listed for sale on other marketplaces, with a BIN. What's the catch? For $69 dollars, GoDaddy brokers reach out to anyone with a domain. If a GoDaddy customer is hoping that the brokers there will … [Read more...]