Hold onto that domain – until it’s time to sell it

Registering domains as an investment means one thing: you should be prepared to hold onto your assets long term. The definition of "long term" depends on the exact domain assets you are holding onto. Sometimes, new trends emerge and give you the opportunity to close the circle, and sell these … [Read more...]

Algorists.com : A domain from 1989 that you can own right now!

When I acquired Algorists.com a decade ago, it was already pushing past puberty. Registered in 1989, this remarkably aged domain name represents an era that predates both the commercial Internet, and the World Wide Web. Now at the ripe age of 29 years old, Algorists.com has never expired, and … [Read more...]

Domain names : The dot .com economy then and now

In February 1997, I registered my first domain name. It cost me $100 dollars for two years, and the registration took place through the only available registrar at the time, Network Solutions. As I lived in Greece, I also had to fax some information out. Domain payment was made via bank wire, … [Read more...]

Uniregistry : I’d rather have an aggressive broker, than a pushover

Recently, I read through a discussion thread over at NamePros, about how a - presumably - Uniregistry broker filtered the lowball offers of the person complaining. In a nutshell, the broker wasn't presenting the offers to the domain's owner, because they were too low. In doing so, the complainant … [Read more...]

MERGE! 2018 in Orlando is coming up

MERGE! 2018 is coming up in Orlando, Florida; the conference spans September 14-19 with a full agenda. The core of the conference begins on Sunday, September 15th, and lasts until Tuesday, September 18th. That's when most domain investors and other industry professionals are expected to … [Read more...]