The various types of domainer species; a humorous study

About 10 years ago I wasn't fully aware of the domain world around me; I felt like a blind mole sniffing the cold air of opportunity at night. There was little, if any, education about what tools to use other than the rudimentary WHOIS at Network Solutions. To this day, I recall battling boredom by … [Read more...]

Friday funnies: It’s all about the conference food!

TGIF! Here we go with the 2nd cartoonized photo in the "Friday Funnies" series. This time, it's about food at domain conferences. For the price of the ticket, it'd better be good! And it is - no complaints. But some vendors or attendants should watch their diet - or poke a couple of extra notches to … [Read more...]

Friday Funnies: Putting fun back into domains

Things get too serious sometimes. In order to instill some fun into the serious business of domains, I'm starting the "Friday Funnies" section. Each Friday, a cartoonized photo will attempt to deliver some humor without - hopefully - hurting the feelings of those it depicts. :D Today's "Friday … [Read more...]

ZFBot – The Encyclopedia of .com

Every once in a while, a neat web application shows up and then you scratch your head wondering - "Now, why didn't I think of that first?" Without much debating on the issue of one's dying braincells, I'd like to introduce ZFBot and its creator, Ken Greenwood. In this quick, impromptu interview Ken … [Read more...]

The Economy is doing just fine… Sort of.

Over at DomainNameWire, Andrew is optimistic about the state of domain economics. While I agree overall, I think that a fuller picture is needed in order to accurately define the state of the domain economy. As I mentioned, commenting at his post: For those of us that are now in the business for … [Read more...]