There is no such thing as a holiday in the Domain Business

A day can be as busy as we make it. From the moment we wake up, until the time we turn our brain into 'sleep mode', the interaction with events, obligations, projects and other such business functions is a continuum that we rarely dare interrupt. During prolonged periods of time when we need … [Read more...]

To boldly go where no domainer has gone before!

I admit it, I am a Star Trek fan. I discovered the series in the late 70's, long after Space 1999 and right after the success of Star Wars. I'd rush home from school and I'd turn on the TV to watch - in glorious black and white - the adventures of Starship Enterprise and its brave crew. What set … [Read more...]

Friday Funnies: Putting fun back into domains

Things get too serious sometimes. In order to instill some fun into the serious business of domains, I'm starting the "Friday Funnies" section. Each Friday, a cartoonized photo will attempt to deliver some humor without - hopefully - hurting the feelings of those it depicts. :D Today's "Friday … [Read more...]