NameJet works great as a domain selling venue

I've recently listed and sold a small group of quality domain names on NameJet, utilizing their public auction venue. I'm very happy with the results, and for having the ability to follow the ongoing auction live, through the NameJet system. It can be entertaining as well. :D The way it works: … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries : Not every CEO is an “arsehole,” but this one is

A startup I worked for many moons ago, thrived on the firecracker personality of its CEO, a Kiwi expatriate. The guy was highly demanding, but was also a good listener that could tell BS and well-documented arguments apart. It wasn't random that despite several rounds of layoffs, I remained with … [Read more...]

Branding : You dictate a domain’s worth, not the market

Unique products are often touted as overpriced, expensive, outlandish - and every other epithet available to describe a high monetary value in a negative manner. And yet, it's the uniqueness of such products that defines their value and price. There are very few things more unique than domain … [Read more...]

Lucky strike : How I beat user ‘First’ on a NameJet domain auction

This past week has been outstanding, both for the number of sales and the results of domain acquisitions I achieved. While no personal records were set, it's still a representation of a healthy year almost halfway already. Domaining is far from dead, as long as one's domain portfolio is … [Read more...]

Domain inquiries : Will dot .Blog will be the end of lowball offers?

As a domain investor with an aged portfolio of both generic and two word compound domains, I receive a fair share of inquiries that are lowballs. These blatant attempts at getting a domain for an unrealistically low price are ignored, but still quite annoying. A type of domain inquiry similar … [Read more...]