Domainers and Development: Tight Budgets or simply Bad Taste?

I'm often amazed at the type of content slated as "development" with the usual tags of "minisite", "stores" and "portals". Often a euphemism for graphic headers slapped on an interface that lacks intuition, those design atrocities are presented to domainers as money-makers that would beat parking … [Read more...]

Pulling the plug on unauthorized copycats – an update

A month ago I wrote about how you can effectively remove unauthorized content from web sites, under the threat of a DMCA notice. The process is simple, straightforward and as long as you provide the necessary information to the legal department of the host providing the server space, it will work … [Read more...]

Attended TRAFFIC or DomainFest? Scrutinize your bank account!

Unless your trip to TRAFFIC Las Vegas or to DomainFest in California was paid for by your employer, it's time to take a good look into your credit card and even your bank account, for any unauthorized charges. The days in TRAFFIC Las Vegas were packed with events - and of course after hours … [Read more...]

The gloves are off

Yesterday I went to Raglan Road, a posh Irish pub in the Downtown Disney area. The temperature outside hovered just above the freezing point; it was the first time ever that I didn't feel out of place wearing a hat and gloves in Florida. Inside the restaurant, the beautiful dancer occupied most … [Read more...]

When it comes to customer service, Sedo is top notch

In the past, I've been critical to the point of harshness with Sedo. The multi-national corporation that monetizes and auctions domains is definitely a major player in the domain industry; an industry still in early infancy. With that in mind, when things go wrong I often go off on a "rant" to … [Read more...]