Do you tweet? Then consider yourself published

The announcement by the Library of Congress that it has acquired the entire Twitter database of messages - several billions of it - might seem like trivial to some. In fact, the only trivial thing I can think of, is that if you tweet, you can now consider yourself officially published. Not many … [Read more...]

Three reasons why I like Mike Mann’s attitude in life

I do not define a man's worth by their accomplishments in life. It's not who they are and what have achieved; what matters to me is how they got there and how they stand, as people, if their title and status were to be stripped off. Mike Mann is well known for his domain portfolio, … [Read more...]

You’re only as good as the tools you use

In all honesty, I can't recall how it all started with web development; I vaguely recall using Wordpad on Windows 3.11 Maybe because I'm about to push mid-4o's or perhaps because it doesn't really matter. There are things that one fails to register, for good. At some point, however, I started … [Read more...]

Domain sales hindsight is always 20/20

Upon hearing the news that fellow domainer Adam Strong sold for $151,000 its previous owner could not believe he let it go for a mere $1,400 just a few weeks earlier. It happens all the time. In the domain business, there are no if's and but's that can take you to the next … [Read more...]

Why build web sites when you can hold and park domains?

It's quite ironic issuing this statement; as a web developer I am supposed to be pushing everyone around me to develop, build, create. Right? While this is true in small quantities, when a domain is truly one project that derives its potential from its owner's imagination and vision, … [Read more...]